6 NOVEMBER 1936, page 21

[to The Editor Of Tile Spectator.] Sir,—dr. Needham Long...

mastered the art of saying provocative and refreshing things. His article on " The Common Ground " is delirious with them. It is a pity that it expires in the 'commonplace......

[to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sir,—in His Article On

." Christianity and Communism " Father D'Arcy complains that " many are saying that in- repudiating Communism the Catholic Church is taking up a Fascist attitude." The Reverend......

Milk : But What Milk ?

[To the Editor of Tin: Ser.crstoill SIR,—The article, " Milk : But What Milk," by Professor G. S. Wilson, in your issue of October 30th, confirmed my fears as to the deplorable......

Atrocities In Spain [to The Editor Of Tun Spectator.1...

all sympathise with the indignation of your Roman Catholic correspondents, but what have they to say to this horrible account in the Church of England Newspaper of trd ty The......