6 NOVEMBER 1915, page 13

When The Reason For Checking The Wicked Onslaughts Of...

on our friends in Europe was doubled owing to the attack on Belgium, we seemed to prefer to make war on that ground rather than on the ground of helping friends in a tight......

Novice. — With This Week's "spectator" Is Issued, Gratis,...


From His Sick-bed The King Issued A Special Order Of

the Day to his troops. His Majesty tells the New Armies how he had watched their progress from their first recruit drills to their departure as fully trained and equipped......

Unfortunately, However, We Are Obliged To Admit That When...

the Serbian crisis became acute the Government showed a certain clumsiness in handling the matter. Instead of at once making a public declaration of the freest and fullest kind......

The Chief Event Of The Week Has Unquestionably Been Mr.

Asquith's speech, which recorded and decided several matters of the highest moment. They are : (1) Compulsion if for any reason Lord Derby's recruiting scheme should fail. (2)......

*** To Our Readers.—the "srsore.tou" Is Now Published On...

afternoon, and is on sale at all Messrs. Smith and Son's London Bookstalls and all London Newsagents. All country readers ran now obtain the paper on Saturday morning, and......

We Must Do Our Very Best To Help Serbia—while Being

careful, of course, to bring aid to our gallant ally in the most efficient way. We should be thrice foolish if, because it looked better at the moment and had a more spectacular......

News Of The Week.

W E greatly regret to record a serious accident to the King. When His Majesty was reviewing troops of the First Army on the Western front the cheers of the men startled the mare......

But Though We Have Not Given Our Assurances To Serbia

as graciously as we might, we are making them good, mid the Serbians must remember that it is our way always to do a good deal more than we say we shall do. John Bull instinc-......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In Any



No. 4,558.] iron THE rlits i lt u s w rs u nr ,z • a s . • WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1915. LPOST.1.01 ABSOLD lie.......