Village Playgrounds.
[To TIIR EDITOR OY TILE "BPIIOTATOR.1 Sin,—The writer of the article on " Village Playgrounds" in the issue of February 13th is to be congratulated upon the fact that be has......
Parliamentary Tolerance In Hungary.
LTO THE IDDzTOE OF YES "EPFOTAT011.".1 Sin,—My occasional attempts to describe in your columns the Chauvinism which at present dominates Hungarian politics have been met in this......
Convocation And The Ornaments Rubric. Ltc Ise Eirtor Ov...
spicarkToa."3 Sal ea6v mix enov iv arn. ("And a sanctuary I saw not therein.") STR,—I have written these words at the head of my letter in order, with your permission, to invite......
(To rite Norroo or TER " SPECTATOR.") Sin,—Leaving economy wholly aside, surely no reasonably civilised person would suggest that anything but ruination from an aesthetic point......