6 MARCH 1880, page 1

In The Debate Of Saturday All The Amendments Intended Either

to diminish the rigour of the Standing Order, or to throw the responsibility on any authority more competent to judge of the matter than the whole House, were negatived. The......

The Debate On The New Standing Order To Put Down

Obstruc- tion lasted through the sitting of yesterday week, and was re- sumed on Saturday at noon, when the proposal of the Govern- ment was adopted without substantial change.......

The Berlin Correspondent Of The Standard, Whom For Many...

we believe to have ready access to the German Foreign Office, forwarded on Thursday night a most serious telegram.. He declares that "he is in a position to contribute the......

* 4 * The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript...


News Of The Week

IT is not too much to say that Europe held its breath on March 2nd, in expectation of news from St. Petersburg. Nothing, however, occurred. No city was fired, no notability was......

The Emperor Of Germany Is Taking Great Pains To Show

that lie desires no war. On March 2nd a letter from him to the Czar was published in' St. Petersburg, in which he congratulates his nephew on the twenty-fifth anniversary of his......