Mr. F. Matthews, The Comedian, Met With A Very Serious
accident on his return front Epsom Races on Wednesday. Driving a four- wheeled chaise, in flue neighbourhood of Claidiam, his horse took fright, the chaise was overturned, and......
A Meeting Of The Members Of The Protestant Association Was
held at Exeter Hall on Wednesday. The Earl of Winchilsea presided : the most distinguished persons on the platform besides, were Lord Kenyon, AIL Sergeant Jackson, and the......
Eleff0s1 11.1c Es.
Tuesday, the first (lay of Epsom Races, is not generally well attended except iting-men, malt itttr nn Ihs Y , . It unt pa year the company was quite as numerous and......
Zig Alletropolis.
Some weathers of the Pitt Club met at their anniversary dinner on Saturday ; the I Immutable William Duncombe in the chair. The speeches about the " Ile:teen-dealt Minister"......