The New Number Of Selected Writing Is Easy Reading And
is made up of some fourteen short stories and sketches which are of varied merit. Some of the shorter sketches are slick and competent, but not much more, but contributions by......
Excitements Of History
Velvet Studies. C. V. Wedgwood. (Cape. 7s. 6d.) THOMAS FULLER'S remark which gives this book its title, "There is no danger in meddling with history which is a velvet study and......
EVERY writer must be allowed his off-days, his book which is below the standard that his previous work has set for him ; the misfortune is the reviewer's when all the review......
Shorter Notices
Round Trip. By Alfred Pertes. (Dennis Dobson. 7s. 6d.) ALFRED PERLES is a Czech refugee, who writes both in French and English. This book is in English, but has a preface of......