6 DECEMBER 1879, page 1

Great Britain Has Been Visited With What The Americans Call

a "cold snap." The frost has been continuous since Saturday, and since Sunday has been severe, the " readings " of the ther- mometer being much below the average at this season.......

Some Emotion Was Excited In London On Tuesday By A

semi- official statement that the Queen was ill with sore-throat, and Sir W. Jenner was in attendance. Sovereigns are so seldom reported ill unless they are really ill, and the......

Mr. Gladstone Delivered A Final Speech At Edinburgh On...

day, upon the subject of finance, a most scathing exposure of Sir Stafford Northcote's smooth sayings in defence of his mis- management. We cannot, of, course, condense a speech......

The Origin Of The Mistake Appears To Have Been That,

in general, the Czar had travelled in the second train, sending his baggage train on before, as a sort of avant-courier to see that all was safe. But in the present instance,......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In Any


The Intelligence From Afghanistan, Though Slight, Is Very...

satisfactory. The Viceroy has deemed it necessary to take the extraordinary step of deporting Yakoob Khan, still nominally our ally and an independent prince, to India, where he......

News Of The Week.

A NEW and very bold attempt has been made on the life of the Czar, with a result even farther removed from suc- cess than is usual in such cases. The railway by which the......