Appeal To The Sympathizers With "uncle Tom."
Newport, B. J., 13th July 1853. Sin—Will you allow me through the columns of your paper to make an appeal to the readers of "Uncle Tom's Cabin " ? There are thousands, even of......
Trttrrg To Tic Cebitnr.
STAND AGAINST RUSSIAN ENCROACHMENT. Pindieo, 2d August 18.53. Six—I, in common with many of your readers, have been much pleased with the decided tone in which you have shown......
Money Market.
STOCH EXORANGE, FRMAN AFTF.111300N. Under the influence of important questions political and financial, the English Stock Market has this week presented more excitement and......
Co Quatro.
According to the present aspect of theatrical affairs in London, there is reason to believe that the Germans at the St. James's, if their career has not been remarkably......
The English Pantomimists Generally Are Passing The...
Paris. Mr. Flexmore and Mademoiselle Auriol, who figure in a divertissement at the Vaudeville, rival T. Matthews and Co. at the Porte St. Martin.......