5 SEPTEMBER 1952, page 26


Museum Pieces. By William Plomer. (Cape. 12s. 6d.) Tom Tallion. By E. H. W. Meyerstein. (Gollancz. 12s. 6d.) The Deceivers. By John Masters. (Michael Joseph, 12s. 6d.) MR.......

Back To Zion

THE State of Israel is now a little more than four years old, and already there is a formidable library of literature about it. The only real cause for surprise is that in a......

What Happened Last Time

Studies in British Financial Policy 1914-1925. By E. V. Morgan (Macmillan. 28s.) Studies in British Financial Policy 1914-1925. By E. V. Morgan (Macmillan. 28s.) HISTORY never......