5 SEPTEMBER 1941, page 13

Belligerency In Blinkers

Sut,—In one of the letters grouped under the heading of " Grim Belligerency " in the last issue of The Spectator, " Middle-Class " writes: "If our national imagination has......

What Is Religious Knowledge ?

SIR,—I think that Colonel Mozley and I have been friends for a sufficient number of years to know that underneath our many differ- ences of opinion there is a solid foundation......

Children's Vocations

Slit,—May I amplify Mr. Franklin's admirable letter in your issue for August 29th? It is true that no tests can determine a child's vocation at the age of 13, or even later. We......

The Atlantic Charter

SIR,—The amount of discussion already raised by the " Atlantic Charter " shows once more what a long way it is from the proclaim- g of principles to their application in the......

Agricultural Folly

SIR,—Will you allow me, as a practical farmer of nearly 4o year ! ' experience, to endorse every word of your correspondent, Mrs. Pock, in your issue of August 22nd? It seems to......