Cara Roma. By Miss Grant. 2 Vols. (chapman And Hall.)—
The story of Cara Rome is not very much. As from the beginning it is tolerably evident to the reader how it will end, there will be no harm in epitomising it by saying that......
Russian Projects Against India. By H. Sutherland Edwards....
Edwards and other writers who have been warning us for we know not how many years past of Russian aggression, have certainly the best of it, while the jokes about "big maps,"......
A Parson's Holiday. By W. Osborn B. Allen. (f. B.
Mason, Tenby.)—The "parson" spent his holiday much in the same way as an actor spends his off-day, that is, by going to see other actors perform. He went, that is to say, to......
Ambulance Work. By R. Lawton Roberts, M.d. (h. K. Lewis).
—Dr. Roberts begins by giving a brief description of the human body, speaking of the skeleton, muscular and nervous systems, circulation of blood, respiration, &o., and......