Parisian Thea.teicals. 9.(1 - M. Octave Feuillett, Who Is...
as an author of those , dramatie dialogues which go by the name of "Proverbea," has furnished , Ithu ; re- pertoire of the Gymnase with a piece of this sort.called Pour a Cen i......
A. Week Of Dry Weather, In Which The Farmers Have
been making up for lost time in the sowing of wheat, has arrested the upward tendency of prices at Mark Lane. There was a pretty fair attendance of buyers yes- terday; but the......
The St. James's Theatre Is Open At Present For...
of Eng- lish operas, or operas in English. Attempts of this kind are made it one theatre or another every year and they always fail, simply because they cannot succeed. The......
Cht Quarto.
Our list of London English Theatres is now complete. The Lyceum, which remained closed the longest, opened on Monday last, And general. contemplation may take the place of......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE. FRIDAY ATTIC:8E00N. The buoyancy which was so prominent in the English Funds on Saturday last has been renewed this week to a considerable extent: the......
At The Princess's, We Have A Version Of M. Bayard's
_File de Famile, more akin to the original, more showily put upon the stage, more elegantly written and less effectively acted, than the version of the same piece at the......
The Lyceum, We Regret To Say, Has Started 'with A
stumble. Mr. Wright, once the most stationary now the most migratory of the come- dians, made a debat in his own person, in a farce wherein he discoursed pleasantly of his own......
Accounts From Cork, Extending To Late On Thursday Night,...
to indi- cate that the floods had in some measure subsided. The lives lost are esti- mated at thirty. The damage done to public and private property is very great. Some of the......