5 MARCH 1965, page 15

Arts & Amusements

Bennett's Moral Mines By CHARLES REID F GH me as, I suppose, for many others who play the piano (in a manner of speaking), the test of a new opera is whether, after a second......

Brigand Freedom?

SIR, - Quoodle calls the Tories' addendum to the I-, CC recommendation to ban smoking in cinemas the best comment on this ludicrous piece of fussi- ness.' It is not. Smoking on......

Philosopher Of Chaos

SIR —In his review of Three Novels, by Conrad Aiken, John Davenport points out that we have mis- quoted what Mr. Graham Greene wrote in the Spectator (November 8, 1935, issue).......

John Whiting

am preparing material for a critical study of the plays of the late John Whiting. Will anyone who has information about articles on his work, reminiscences, etc., please write......

Ip Certificates

SIR, -.--Yes, indeed, what are parents to do about the hopelessly unsuitable granting of 'U' certificates to films? Last summer my husband and I and our two child- ren, aged......

Sit,—much In Sympathy As I Am With The Excellent Typo G...

sentiments echoed in your issue today, I feel it is only fair that somebody should point out to you that the Modern typeface was, in fact, cut some forty-four years before your......

Not Alright

SIR,—Crossword No. 1158 (February 19) seems to require a word 'alright' as a solution for 29 across. Please remind the compiler that the use of 'alright' for 'all right' has no......

John Bull's Six Counties

Si,-1 fear that the 'political hazard for the regime' ER Ulster referred to by Mr. Peabody is not sup- Ported by the facts. Last year at the general election, fought on......

Knitted Brows

SIR,—Mr. Nevile Wallis is too often too naughty for words. Again he demonstrates (in reviewing my exhibition, February 26) his inability to come to terms with the aspirations of......