5 MARCH 1859, page 10

In An Interesting Lecture On The " Veined Structure Of

Glaciers " given last evening at the Royal Institution, Professor Tyndall detailed some observations made by him on the Alps daring the last year, proving that the veined......

Paris Fashions.

(From our own Correspondent.) Paris is in a state of feverish excitement. Not only are the nights taken up with dancing, but the days are consumed in making compli- cated......

Sir Francis Head Has Published A Letter In The Times

which he has re- ceived from his imperial " friend " the Emperor of the French, thanking Sir Francis for his championship of the imperial cause. The Emperor plaintively regrets......

Gentlemen's Dress.

In our search for reliable information, writes a trustworthy corre- spondent, as to the spring fashions for gentlemen's clothes, we have come across some interesting facts which......

State Of Trade.

THE woollen `trade of Leeds and the district around is very healthy, most manufacturers being very much pressed by orders to deliver direct to the warehouses. The cloth jails......

1 01.5rfut Arts, Grab, La.

- TO CORRESPONDENTS AND ENQUIRERS. In several cases, correspondents have asked us for the address at which newly in vented or improved articles of trade may be procured. We......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY Arraarroox. The rise in the value of National Stocks on Saturday, occasioned by the hwourahle statement of Mr. Disraeli, has not been supported, and a......