5 JANUARY 1951, page 18

In The Garden

During two weeks of almost unbroken black frost (that horrible, greasy kind of cold which kaves clots of ice like stale mutton-dripping about the ground) 1 have found that a row......

Chamber Music.—dinu Lipatti's Recording Of All Chopin's...

to be his swan-song, and these records will provide a fitting memorial for a pianist who, though young, was already in the very front rank of his profession. Backhaus records......

Vocat..—for H.m.v. Gigli Has Recorded Twelve Italian...

seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, most beautiful singing only marred by very few feature.; of questionable taste. Mascia Predit's Mussorgsky songs 1 found disappointing,......

Recent Records

ORCHESTRAL—Heifetz's playing of the Elgar violin concerto with the L.S.O. is quite magnificent, outstanding in interpretation and breath- taking in technical finish. Bantock's......

Economics And Sentiment

This half-mystical approach to the country scene 'may enrage many contemporaries, who are impatient of any discussion, or any activity, that does not further the urgent need of......

Country Life

WHEREVER one may be, and in whatever circumstances, the few minutes during which both hands of the clock pass from the old year into the new are awe-inspiring. When this......

The Spectator

readers are urged to place a firm order with their newsagent or to take out a subscription. Newsagents cannot afford to take the risk of carrying stock, as unsold copies are......

Distant Bells

Solitude has no greater revelation. To hear from across meadows, over hills or through valleys, the bells of a village church, chiming muffled, then at the stroke of midnight,......


IN J. M. Robertson's New Essays Towards a Critical Method there is a suggestion that " the perfect scientific critic, the critic of the future perhaps, might be conceived as......