5 FEBRUARY 1921, page 20


REVOLUTION.* M.11. BERESFORD gives - a convincing air to his picture of the great future English revolution. The course of - events, however, presupposes a Labour leader exactly......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Notice in this column does not necessarily preclude subsequent resifts.] THE FEBRUARY MAGAZD1RS.—Sir John Davidson, who was Director of Military Operations under Lord Haig,......

Readable Novers.--carringlon's Cams. By J. Storer...

series of detective stories. Although Carrington himself is not a very convincing figure, the stories are amusing and many of the situations ingenious. —The Elephant God. By......

What Next ? By Denis Mackail. (john Murray. 7s. 6d.

net.)—Mr. Denis Mackail has an hereditary right to our interest on the appearance of his first novel, and in What Next ? he has followed Stevenson's dictum that there is "......