What The Government Will Do.
LT 0 THE Enrroa or nice "SracreToit."] SIR, —I have read with much interest in last week's Spectator your view of the political situation, and should like, if I may, to suggest......
Plural Voting And The Elections.
[To THY EDITOR or TICE "Sracreror..1 Sin,—In your issue of January 29th "U. F. T." mentions the fact that he cast six votes for Conservative candidates, all of whom were......
"one Man One Vote: One Vote One Value."
[To TRE EDITOR op TEE "SrscrAroa."] SIR,—It seems to be generally considered by both parties that this Parliament will not last long. Is it not worth while to endeavour that it......
The Political Outlook.
[TO THY EDITOR OF THY " SPECTATOR.":1, SIR,—We seem near a deadlock. How near depends upon the leaders of the two great political parties. One can only hope that those leaders......
Undue Influence.
rTo TEE EDITOR GP TEE "SPECTATOR.'] Srn.,—The letter from Mrs. E. C. Trench in your last number, whilst asking for assistance in finding a Scriptural quotation, makes the naive......