5 DECEMBER 1840, page 4
We Understand That A Communieatiou Has Been Made To The
Grand Junction Railway Company, intimating the intention of the Govern- ment to have the Irish mails conveyed by way of Holyhead ; and that immediate measures are to be adopted......
The Salopian Journal Of Wednesday Gives An Account Of A
burglary of peculiar daring. The house broken into was that of Mrs. Beddoes, at the Barn near Minion, about three miles from (laurels Strutters. The house is in a very lonely......
Bc Irobintrs.
31r. Sharman l'rawford, having ' , t. • l■ signed requisition of toe .deetors o f Ro e ', :, i : . , 71 litiate for tlw represent .•I - t - di that' .. , visited lloolt lale tie......