4 OCTOBER 2008, page 24

The Church Is Culpable Too

Sir: Will Rowan Williams start his call for ‘fresh scrutiny and regulation in the financial world’ (‘Face it: Marx was partly right about capitalism’, 27 September) by glancing......

Sir: The Trouble With The Archbishop Of Canterbury’s...

stands is that they are exclusively directed against right-wing policies. In the left-liberal milieu that he inhabits, these stands require no moral courage at all. But he never......

Fired Again

Sir: My friend Toby Young listed the magazines and newspapers he has been fired from in the last 22 years (Status anxiety, 27 September). His list is incomplete: I would like to......

Bad Gun

Sir: It made me wonder, after reading Charles Moore’s anecdote about a shooting accident where the perpetrator denied shooting one of his party (The Spectator’s Notes, 13......

The Wrong Tarzan

Sir: I write on behalf of ‘Cheeta’, who went ape on seeing the caption under the photograph on page 37 in the most recent Spectator . The Tarzan shown in the photo is not the......

Family Fortunes

Sir: Jonathan Mirsky’s review of Alexander Waugh’s book on the family Wittgenstein (Books, 20 September) perhaps reveals more about The Spectator ’s sturdy Europhobia than about......

On Bodmin Moor

Sir: ‘On an exercise during misty weather on that fearsome place Bodmin Moor, I was the only one to get my platoon back safely,’ says Paul Johnson (And another thing, 20......