4 NOVEMBER 2000, page 42

Beware Zanzibar

From Professor Yorick Wilks Sir: Your editorial 'Labour's lovely loony' (21 October) underestimates the true social engineer when you write, 'The law has no jurisdiction in......

Nice Points

From Mr Jeremy Stanford Sir: What place for Britain's political par- ties in Europe's new democracy? The European Commission plans a politi- cal environment in which the public......

Ban 'em All

From Mr Alan Carcas Sir: Ross Clark (Banned wagon, 21 Octo- ber) thinks fireworks are only available for the three weeks up to Bonfire Night. So why, in my neighbourhood, have......

The Silence Of The West From Mr Oleg Gordievsky Sir:

Not far from the Middle East, but on the European Continent, there is an area where the hostilities and casualties are even more severe (Ile threw stones. He gets shot. So?', 7......

Catholic Truth

From Mr Guy Stair Sainty Sir: In her commentary on the meeting between the Pope and the Queen CA tale of two Churches', 14 October), Melanie Phillips has quoted even more......