The Royal Society Of Literature.—wheli This Society Was...
years ago, it was generally cried down; the fancy of fostering genius by a royal donation appeared to /Dell, whether of small wit or great, pre-eminently ridiculous. We suppose.......
L'unione Vocale.
UNDER this title, Messrs. T. PHILIPPS, HORNCASTLE, and E. TAY4 LOR have offered to the public musical instruction and entertain- ments combined. As Mr. PHILIPPS'S reappearance......
The Bishop And The Cuhate.—the Bishop Of Loud El Has
been catechising one of his clergy for using, in a speech on the itemrin ques- tion, the phrase " political Messiah." ":Would you," said Dr. Bloomfield to Mr. Rice, " not be......
Progress Of Music In Scotland.
A raraxo in Scotland has sent us some particulars respecting the formation.of a musical institution in Leith, which we think worthy of notice, as affording an additional......