4 JULY 1891, page 9

News Of The Week.

T HE German Emperor, during a visit to Hamburg on Monday, stated publicly that the Treaty extending the Triple Alliance to 1897 had been signed on the 28th ult. It is believed......

Mr. Fowler On Monday Moved An Instruction To The Com-

mittee on the Free Education Bill, to make Provision, "in the case of districts where there is no school under public control," for the introduction of "the principle of local......

Count Munster, The German Ambassador In Paris, Has...

present a good occasion for publishing, through the Times' Paris correspondent, an account of his last inter- view with Prince Bismarck. It occurred on March 19th,, 1890, when......

Notice To Advertisers.

With the " SPECTATOR" of Saturday, July 18th, will be issued, gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements. To 'secure......

The Triple Alliance Is Evidently Unpopular In Italy With The

Extreme Left, or Republican Party, which desires a closer union with France. They recently put up Signor Colajanni to interpellate the Government on the subject ; but the......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...


Mr. Chamberlain Replied To Mr. Fowler In A Very Masterly

speech, proving that, at present at least, the choice lies between Local Control and Free Education, and that those who want the former must give up the latter, — a course of......

The Land-purchase Bill Passed Through Committee In The...

Thursday, with only one important amendment. This was moved by Lord Londonderry, who proposed that if the sum allocated to any county should not be applied for by the small......