The Division-list Of The Home-rulers Contains Ten British...
Bant(Morpeth), Mr. Cowen and Mr. Hamond (Newcastle-on- Tyne), Mr. John Kynaston Cross (Bolton), Sir Charles Dilke (Chelsea), Mr. Eyton (Flint District), Mr. Gourley......
S. Camacho, The Finance Minister Of Spain, Has Produced His
Budget. The accounts as yet received are hardly clear, but it would appear that he expects a revenue of 1,19,000,000, partly dependent on new and bad taxes ; that he hopes_ to......
Mr. Disraeli's Speech, A Little Laboured And Labyrinthine...
soon worked itself clear, and became very amusing as well as sagacious. He remarked that Repeal must precede Federation, as Federation clearly means an arrangement between......
Mr. Dixon's Speech Was So Moderate, Even In Advocating The
extension of School Boards, that Mr. Birley, the Conservative Member for Manchester, who had given notice to move its re- jection, and formally did so, was surprised, as Mr.......
The Great Debate On Home-rule, Raised
of Tuesday and ThtusdayallAtty It ist,..er4 course, impossible for us to condense even the prinCiial siieeches,: though we have noted the great lines of argument elsmetere ; but......
The Education Debate Of Wednesday, On Mr. Dixon's Bill For
extending educational compulsion (by the agency of School Boards) to the whole of England and Wales, was chiefly remark- able forthe extreme moderation and ability of the......
The Bishop Of London's Bill For Recognising Convocation...
the initiative in ecclesiastical legislation, is not to be pro- ceeded with this Session, and is hardly likely, we should think, to be reproduced in any future Session. When......