4 JANUARY 1913, page 23

The Monroe Doctrine.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR...I SIE, — In your issue of November 16th a letter appears over the signature of Seymour Ormsby-Gore entitled "Compensa- tion for Germany." In......

The Opium Question. [to Tar Edtiob. Of Tim "spectltor.']

Siu,—A most urgent question of the moment, fraught with far-reaching consequences, is what should be our attitude to China in response to the appeals now being made by Indo-......

The Anglo-german Problem.

[To Tar EDITOR OF Tar "SPIZCTATOR:1 Sin,—In your review of Dr. Sarolea's book, in your issue of December 21st, you say, "All offers to stereotype the present situation by a......