4 JANUARY 1908, page 10

The Druce Case Was Robbed Of A Great Deal Of

its mystery on Monday. Leave having been granted by the Consistory Court, the Drum family vault in Highgate Cemetery was opened in the presence of representatives of the Home......

The Salvation Army Has Issued An Interesting Report On The

working of the Anti-Suicide Bureau started by General Booth on December 30th, 1906. The principles on which. the scheme was founded were .(1) inviolable secrecy, (2) free con-......

The Trial Of A Hundred And Sixty - Seven Members Of The

first Duma for issuing the Viborg Manifesto has ended in the acquittal of two and the sentence of the remainder to three months' imprisonment. The Manifesto, in which the......

Mr. Robert Dell Sends A Very Interesting Letter To...

,• Times entitled" The Pope on Good Government." The Papal' attitude towards the French State is not, he declares, the result of the Anti-Clericalism of the present majority in......

A Letter From Lord Curzon Addressed To The Irish Peers

appeared in Monday's papers in which he states that, owing to the attitude of the Prime Minister, he is a candidate for the vacancy created among the Irish representative Peers......

For Ourselves, We Sincerely Hope That The Irish Peers Will

elect Lord Curzon. If they do, they will show them- selves to have a higher sense of public duty than the Prime Minister.—We admit that if they choose to take a narrow view of......

. The Holidays Prevented Us Noticing Last Week The Extremely

unfair . attack on President Roosevelt published in the Morning Post of December 26th from the pen of Mr. Maurice Low. Mr. Low begins by declaring that "many people were fully......

The Bicentenary Of Mabillon, The Famous Benedictine...

at the Church of Germain-des-Pres, where he lived and worked for the last forty years of his life. Though the ceremony was religious, presided over by the Coadjutor of the......

Mr. Low's Letter Contains In Addition An Elaborate...

show that the President has failed in everything which he has undertaken. We have not space here to traverse in detail a statement so grotesque, though the task would not be......