Whites And Blacks In America.
[To TRH EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR,"] SIR,—In reference to the feeling of exclusiveness which appears to be growing amongst the Negroes in the Southern States, I may mention that......
It had fallen from an unknown hand, In the home of the pine and myrtle, Far of in this Southern land. And I know not whose hand had cast it, Or careless or rude with scorn,......
THE TUDOR EXHIBITION.—NEW GALLERY. WE would venture to prophesy for the present Exhibition - are even greater success than that of its Stuart predecessor, and our chief ground......
The Limitation Of Divorce.
[To vox EDITOR OF TEE " SPECTATOR." . 1 Cannot say how heartily I sympathise with the main tendency of your remarks on divorce, or how necessary they seem to me. But for that......