4 APRIL 1987, page 25

The Spectator

SUBSCRIBE TODAY - Save 15% on the Cover Price! Please enter a subscription to The Spectator I enclose my cheque for £ (Equivalent SUS & Eurocheques accepted) RATES 12 Months 6......


Sir: Richard Deacon's review of Molehunt (Books, 21 March) questions the signifi- cance of the fact that not a single Soviet spy was caught by MI5 between 1953 and 1963, the......

Miss Hammond

Sir: I was deeply shocked by the scurrilous attack on Miss Celia Hammond in Alan Watkins's Diary in the Spectator of 14 March. In fact I immediately cancelled my subscription to......

Sir: National Wealth, As Terence Kealey Points Out, Is Not

related to Nobel Prizes. It is not related to education either. Some years ago a study was made of those industries in the United States which had the lowest rate of growth.......

Letters Subsidise British Science

Sir: Terence Kealey has chosen an unfor- tunate time to launch his attack on Save British Science (`Science dons protest too much', 28 March), when the future of this country's......