The Week In Parliament
Our Parliamentary correspondent writes : —News from the Mediterranean has provided this week the same sort of more confident background that President Roosevelt's speech gave to......
It Was Interesting To Watch The Speeches With A Knowledge
of the industrial background of the various speakers. Thus when Sir Cyril Entwistle or Mr. Hammersley or Mr. Hamilton Kerr spoke there was inevitably cotton as well as......
" It Is Only Now, As The Prime Minister Has
said, in the nineteenth month of the war, that we are beginning to feel the demands caused by our new factories "; so spake Mr. Oliver Lyttelton, in the debate on concentration......
The Debate On Sunday Theatres And Music-halls Was...
but often irrelevant. Mr. Magnay nearly ruined his case by over-statement; it was left to Mr. James Griffiths to make the best speech in support of the Nonconformist conscience,......
German Invasion Prospects The Possibility Of An Attempted...
of Britain has by no means gone, said General Sir Alan Brooke on Tuesday. The prospect is that the enemy would use sea-borne and air-borne troops, and he has been training large......
Sabbath Observance The Churches, So Far As They Are...
for the defeat of the Sunday-theatres proposal in the House of Commons on Tuesday, may find that they have done themselves more dis- service than they realise. Nothing could......
Fire-watching And Compulsion
In every region in the country the Regional Commissioner h a s to be satisfied that adequate arrangements have been made for detecting incendiary bombs and fighting fires. To......