4 APRIL 1908, page 25

New Enrrioxs. — The Problem Of The Old Testament. By...

D.D. (J. Nisbet and Co. 2s. 6d.)—This book, containing the "Bros Lecture," an American foundation, first appeared in 1905, and has reached a fourth edition.—The Culture of......

Some Old English. Abbeys. By Elsie M. Lang. (t. Werner

Laurie. 2s. 6d. net.)—A handy little book, capable of being easily carried in a pocket, in which we have some information, illus- trated, of seven Abbeys (Glastonbury, St.......

Some Books Of Trh Week.

[Under this heading we notice such Books of the v.( sk as have not been reserved for review in other forms.] Medicine in the British Isles. By Norman Moore, M.D. (The. Clarendon......

The Two Gentlemen Of Verona. Edited By W. G. Boswell-stone.

"The Old Spelling Shakespeare." (Chatto and Windus. 2s. 6d. net.)—This is an instalment of an undertaking to be carried on under the joint editorship of Dr. Furnivall and Mr.......

Work Have Been Taken Down From The Mouths Of Natives

I have paid more attention to what I have heard natives say to each other than to what they have said to me." These are golden rules. We get, not a dialect more or less mixed......

We Have Received Two Additional Volumes Of The Church Pulpit

Commentary (J. Nisbet and Co., 7s. 6d.) That dealing with the Old Testament includes "Joshua to 2 Chronicles," that with the New the Gospels of St. Mark and St. Luke i.-vii. The......

The Insect Book. By W. Percival Westell. (john Lane. 3s.

net.) —Mr. Westell has written a very interesting little book on a subject in which he is an expert. He tells us about insects of the garden, of the waterside, of the wood, and,......

Insular Free - Trade: Theory And Experience. By Russell...

House.)—Mr. Russell Rea, who prints here, with additions, a lecture delivered at Birmingham in 1905, discusses his subject from the economic and from the ethical standpoint. It......

Easter Eggs. From The German Of Christoph Von Schmid....

by M. V. Wheelhouse. (G. Bell and Sons. 2s. 6d. net.)— The author of this delightful book was a German clergyman who died. in the middle of the nineteenth century. He was worthy......

In The "cambridge Bible For Schools And Colleges...

for the Old Testament, A. F. Kirkpatrick (Cambridge University Press)—we have The Two Books of the Kings, Edited by W. Emery Barnes, D.D. (3s. 6d. net). "It is improbable," says......

On Nothing And Kindred Subjects. By H. Belloc. (methuen And

Co. 5s. net.)—We like Mr. Belloc best when he is literary, or, we might say, romantic. "On an Unknown Country" may be described by the first epithet ; "On a Faery Castle" by the......