'11u English Universities' Conjoint Schemg.
[TO THB EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.] SIR,—It is hardly possible as yet to conjecture how the Oxford and Cambrid g e Examination Scheme will be found to work, but a single year's......
Mr. Gladstone On Ritualism.
[TO THE F.Drros OF THS SPECTATOR:1 Stn,—It would take up far more room in your paper than you could afford, or than I could reasonably ask for, were I to discuss, as they......
In the g lad triumph of a great success, Than for existence to have missed the sweetness In the self-consciousness of doin g best. What must it be, indeed, to find a language......
The Conference At Bonn.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPROTATOILI SIR,—There is one :pse in "R. J. W.'s" letter in your last im- pression which, if left to stand alone, is not unlikply to mislead your......
Cultur-b I Ampf. "
[TO THE EDITOIL OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] am sure that all Englishmen who still cherish the old- fashioned Liberal notion that personal freedom is worth some- thin g owe you thanks......