Military Gazette.
WAR-OFFIGE, Nov. 2-6th Regt. of Drags.-Lieut. W. M. Powell to be Capt. by par. vice Grove, who retires ; Corset Sir E. S. Hutchinson, Bart. to be Lieut. by par. vice Powell. 2d......
On the 28th June, at the Government House, Perth, Western Australia, the Lady of his Excellency Captain Fitzgerald, R.N., of a daughter. On the 21st October, at Whittingham,......
Publications Received.
Boom. Emanuel Swedenborg; a Biography. By James John Garth Wilkinson. Ned Allen; or the Past Age. By David Hannay, Esq. In two volumes. Prefections on Butler's Analogy, Paley's......
Commercial Gazette.
Tuesday, Oct. 30. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. Bretnall and Castle, Huntley Street, Tottenham Court Road, paper-manufacturers - Kirkpatrick and Raines, Scalby, Yorkshire,......