3 MARCH 1973, page 26


In the Scillies Nephew Wilde My plans were well advanced for a short skiiing holiday at the beginning of last week. However, in the event, I saved myself from the perils of the......

Israel And The Arabs

From the Rev Tony Crowe Sir: Your timely article 'Peace in jeopardy' highlights the dangers of another war in the Middle East, in which Israel will once again emerge as victor.......

Sir: There Seems To Have Been A Lack Of Co-ordination

between your editorial and the article by Joel Cohen in your issue of February 24. Mr Cohen's article discusses the problems of how the innocent may be protected by attacks from......

Sir: In The Wake Of The Shooting Down Of An

airliner and of a raid 150 miles into Lebanese territory to write about a film may seem trivial. However, it is part of the same situation. Accompanying Robert Bolt's film Lady......

General Practice

From Mrs Helen Hodgson Sir: We should be very grateful if you could allow us through your correspondence columns to invite any of your readers who have recently been in contact......