THE WAR WITH SPAIN.* CAPTAIN MAHAN is WO fine a historian, too lucid an ex- ponent of general ideas, to miss an opportunity of setting forth his theories, and his last book,......
TRAFALGAR SQUARE IN SPRING. (AFTER SPENSERO I . IN the wide square the sound of waters leaping Conjures a dream of some far upland spring, And through the trees that all the......
Appeals To The Judicial Committee.
We have received, but cannot possibly find space for, a very long letter—it would fill nearly six columns, or the space of three leaders—from Mr. J. H. Symon, Q.C., whose name......
Mr. Mackarness And Sir A. Milner.
[We have received from two Members of the Cape Parliament letters very properly protesting against the tone adopted by Mr. Mackarness in his letter to our columns in regard to......