3 JULY 1964, page 26

Spectator Crossword No. 1125

ACROSS 1. How a vampire should be dis- pensed with (6) 4. A singular member of Turpin's inn (8) 10. One who might be said to pre- sent a cockney girl (7) 11. Shows up as counsel......


By ALAN BRIEN A SOCIAL scientist is the kind of scientist who tells you some obvioUs fact "r about the world you live in which you have known all your life hut when you say,......

Solution To Crossword No. 1124 Across.-1 Hippodrome. 6...

Maria. 11 Silk purse. 12 Runagates. '13 Rover. 14 Apparition, 16- Elan. 18 Clap. 20 Fire-engine. 23 Ivrea. 24 Obstacles. 27 Front door. 28 Idyll. 29 X-ray. 30 Dragon tree.......


By PEIILIDOR No. 185. F. GAMAGE (First Prize, Falkirk Herald, 1941) BLACK (3 men) WHITE (8 men) WHITE to play and mate in two moves; solution next week. Solution to No. 184......