31 MAY 1997, page 28

Faking The News?

Sir: Even in our victim-obsessed age, Richard Tait's claim that his people at poor little ITN (revenues £88 million a year) are being 'harassed' by the 'relatively affluent'......

Is She For Real?

Sir: Further to my letter published in your columns on 3 May, I have been in corre- spondence with the Deutsches Adelsarchiv in Marburg on the subject of the so-called `Alice......

Had Away

Sir: Anne McElvoy is a Durham lass but your headline writer betrays non-Geordie origins in 'Howay the lasses!' (17 May). The Tyneside exhortation, 'Ha'away the lads' (i.e. come......

Endurance Record

Sir: In Correlli Bamett's review of Captain Barker's book Beyond 'Endurance' (Books, 17 May), he seems to go out of his way to highlight the author's attack on my late father,......


Sir: It is sad that the estimable Sheridan Morley, drama critic, can write (Arts, 3 May) that Barrie's plays 'have been more honoured in the breach than the obser- vance' — a......

An Englishman Abroad

Sir: I am sorry to see that Professor Gavin Stamp, once regarded as the archetypal Englishman (was he not the original Young Fogey?), now finds it prudent to suck up to his......