The Two Philharmonio Societies Have Hadeoneerts This...
Monday, the New on Wednesday. Both were good, and both at- tracted crowded audiences, a - proof that there is room for both, and that an honourable emulation will not do harm to......
The departure of Mademoiselle Rachel for the United States, which has been so long anticipated, is . at 'last formally prohibited by the voice of authority: By the 12th article......
Tbrairts Out 331usir.
If Mr. Charles Mathews's advertisement for a partner possibly raised a smile among some of the readers, a feeling of sympathy is assuredly awakened by the later and longer......
The Concert For Sir Henry - Biehop At Exeter Hall On Tuesday
evening drew a large audience"; and its success has led to the announcement of a similar concert on the lath of 'April. The concerts at the Hanover Square Rooms, also, are to be......
Money Market.
STocio Eseloopeit; FRIDAY ARTREHotoi. A belief has prevailed this week of an early reduction by the Bank of England in their rate of discount. This feeling has been promoted......
State Of Parliamentary Business At Easter.
RECEIVED TEE ROYAL ASSENT. Militia BilL Enlistment of Foreigners BilL Army Service Act Amendment Bill. Fisheries (North America) BilL Consolidated Fund (3,300,00W.) Bill.......