Sir: As Patrick Skene Catling says (Books, 10 January), John Lennon was by no means as 'casually spontaneous' as he claimed. A solid portion of In His Own Write is an almost......
Racism Defined
Sir: Nicholas Budgen (`Compulsory Pun- jabi', 24 January) complains that no one knows what racism is and suggests that the word should be given a definition. The supplement to......
Letters Prophet Motive
Sir: In your leading article of 24 January on Mr James Anderton you state, 'It is a teaching of the Church that prophecies ceased after the coming of Christ.' In so far as this......
Down With Ribblehead
Sir: I was pleased to see in your column `One hundred years ago' (20/27 December 1986) that the Spectator opposed the plan for the construction of a railway from Windermere to......
Sir: In the Spectator of 13 December 1986, Auberon Waugh's column Another voice, headed 'The implications of not giving Lisa three bears for Christmas', contained a word that I......
The Spectator
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