30 NOVEMBER 1929, page 3

' On The Night Of Thursday, November 21st, In The

Albert Hall, Mr. Baldwin made a speech which was first-rate of its kind but was not on the whole what was needed. His detailed comparison of Labour pledges with what the Labour......

Not That 'the Mine-owners, So Far As We Can See,

have begun to recognize the necessity for departing from their ancient habits and methods. The term " unbending refusal used by Mr. Graham the other day, with regard to the......

Radium The National Radium Commission Has Issued An...

a warning. The warning concerns the unguarded statements which have been appearing recently as to the certainty with which cancer can be cured by radium. Certain forms of cancer......

Bank Rate, 51 Per Cent., Changed From 6 Per Cent.

on November 21st, 1929. War Loan (5 per cent.) was on Wednesday 99jix.d. ; on Wednesday week 99* ; a year ago, 1011x.d. ; Funding Loan (4 per cent.) was on Wednesday 851 ; on......

Education For Salesmanship As We Go To Press, We Are

able to welcome the Interim Report on British Marketing Overseas, prepared by the Education for Salesmanship Committee, which was set up in October, 1928. It is impossible to .......

The Coal Deadlock It Is Now Clear That The Goveriunent

is looking well before it leaps into the coal arena. The Coal Bill may be intioduced before Christmas, but it is certain that it will not be passed until after the recess.......