Middle-class Expenditure.
[TO TIM EDITOR Or TIM EFRCTATOR."] your issue of the 23rd inst. I read with much interest the letter over the signature of your correspondent "A Bad Economist." I do not see how......
Prayer-book Revision.
[To TUB EDITOR or Tue .. spacrAroa."3 Stu, — Will yon allow a Wesleyan minister to correct a " Wesleyan Layman" (Spectator, November 23rd) ? The excellent newspaper which he......
" Burke Sir. Walter."
[To TIM EOrTOR. Or TIM - Sr tcorkTon."] SIR,—With a local patriotism that always finds favour in the eyes of the Spectator, Mr. J. Lindsay Hilson, of Kelso, endeavoured in your......
The Earl Of Kildare And The Archbishop Of Cashel.
[To MB EDITOR or TIM " SPECTATOR:] SIR, —By transferring the story of the Earl of Kildare and the Cathedral of Cashel (see Spectator, November 23rd, p. 805) from the reign of......
A Coincidence.
tvo TIM EDITOR Or TUX 'EPROTATOR:1 SIR, —The last line of Mr. Munby's poem in your issue of November 23rd runs thus :— " There is our haven of rest, there is the home of the......
The American Episcopal Church And Christian Unity.
[To TEE EDITOR or THE •`SPAorAvroa."_, SIR,—At the recent General. Convention of the American Episcopal Church held in Richmond, Virginia, at which' the Bishop of London was......
English Undefiled.
[To MR EDITOR OF TIM " &ROTATOR:1 SIR, —Knowing your zeal for the preservation of English undefiled, I venture to ask you to lend your influence in suppressing the word "......