30 JUNE 1860, page 2

The Meeting At Baden Has Not Yet Been Followed By

any overt sequel. The manner in which it is construed in Vienna, how- ever, throws some light upon the business actually transacted. It is considered there that the meeting was......

Statements Have Appeared To The Effect That Fresh...

arisen, or are likely to arise, in the island of San Juan. The story is that General Harney has ignored the arrangement made by General Scott, and has refused to recognize a......

Ertintro Ant Vrnerthings In Varlianant.

PRINCIPAL BUSINESS OP THE WEEK. llonsE or LORDS. Monday, June 25. Consulship at Mozambique ; Lord Strathe- den's Motion. Tuesday, June 26. Ecclesiastical Commission ; the......

The Wreck Of The Malabar At Point De Galle, The

narrow escape of Lord Elgin and Baron Gros, the actual loss of creden- tials, papers, decorations, cargo, brings home to us the shock- ingly defective condition of that......

The Volunteers Had Their Festival On Saturday. Great Ex-...

had bten raised by the performances of such of the corps as had " come out " in the spring. The result exceeded every anticipation. Not only did the 21,000 men move into the......