Education For Life
T HE week in which the various educational associations of the country are meeting in annual conferences is a fit moment for dwelling on the capital question of what the aims of......
" One's Childhood," Wrote Mr. Hugh Walpole Describing In A
recent issue of the Spectator a re-encounter with the Toy Theatre, " conies rushing up again." If the pre- ceptors of my infancy had been more conscientious, that is perhaps how......
A Spectator's Notebook
N OTHING better became King George at the micro_ phone last Sunday than his single little cough, that went radiating through the air to the farthest antipodes—an involuntary......
The Papers, With A Unanimity It Is Easy To Under-
stand, have seized with some avidity on the discovery (due to the presentation of the lady's picture to the National Portrait . Gallery), that Mrs. Beeton, author of the......