30 APRIL 1954, page 4

Now That The Government Has At Last Consented To Make

public a 'summary of the Drogheda committee's report on Britain's oversea information services, the wisdom or other- wise of the proposals may be judged generally. The report is......

Too Late For The Budget

The second report of the Royal Commission on Taxation may still produce political complications before the next Budget appears. The middle-class taxpayers are unlikely to forget......

The Prime Minister Of The Gold Coast, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah,

and his colleagues of the Government, were completely vindi- cated by the commission of inquiry into the circumstances of Mr. J. Braimah's resignation and the allegations of......

At Westminster

HE reassembly of Parliament on Tuesday passed 4 A T quietly. Nobody jostled Mr. Attlee. Nobody ho j i at Sir Winston Churchill. It is true that at the end d a debate in the......


Three cheers for the Lord Lyon King-of-Arms I He Qnl on his tabard. He sounded his trumpet. He informed the Town Council that its trouble was mealy-mouthed geatiT o and lack of......