To The Editor Letters
COMMUNIST TECHNIQUE Stn,—Mr. Woodhouse is right. Communist technique is quite different from Hitler's and it is time we realised it. The Communist technique is essentially that......
Reflections On Stamps
Sin,—Taste is, undtniably, a matter of taste ; but I must ask permission to comment on Janus's postage-stamp paragraph in your issue of April 23rd. Admittedly, Great Britain's......
Sta,—i Entirely Agree With Mr. Kenyon's Opinion That The...
reason for Eastern Europe'S subjugation by the Communists was the presence of the Russian occupation army and police. In Poland and the other coun- tries the secret police is......
The Doctor's Commitments
SIR, —Any lack of success in the National Health Service will be due in large part to defects within the Act itself. Like the Education Act, it is premature. In the absence of......
Sta,—janus Has Raised A Timely Issue Over The, Lamentable...
of imagination in our stamp design. Except for the colours used, which are nearly always good, we limp heavily in the footsteps of most foreign! countries, and certainly of our......
Direction Of Teachers
SIR, —I am distressed by one aspect of recent educational policy that seems not to have received sufficient attention—I mean the allocation of a quota of women teachers to an......