Military Gazette. Omc. Of Ordnance. Sept. 27.–royal...
and Brevet Major E. Cruttenden to be Lieut.-Col. vice Story, dec.; Second Capt. H. Williams to be Capt. vice Cnittenden; First Lieut. J. W. Ormsby to be Second Capt. vice......
Publications Received.
Fr0111 September 16th to September 30th. BOOB& The Canada, in 1841. By Sir RICHARD H. BoseircesTLE, Lieutenant- Colonel Royal Engineers, and Lieutenant-Colonel in the Militia of......
Commercial Gazette.
Tuesday, Sept. 28. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. Peek and Wilcox, Maryleboue Street, Regent Street, hair-dressers–Lunn and Ro. Barton-upou Humber. wine-merchants–Webb and Mayor.......
Prices Current.
SHAR ES. (Last Official Quotation during the Week, ending Friday evening.) Mines- Banks– Bolanos Australasian Braziliau Imperial Dirt, (St. John del Rey) 5 British North......