Defective Tests Of Madness.
ANOTHER case of lunacy, reported this week, recalls our attention to this subject—riot to direct censure against the proceedings, but to suggest some considerations of a general......
The Purcell Club.
'fm: members of the Purcell Club held their annual festive meeting ou Saturday last, at the Sussex Hotel. Judging from the large accession of numbers and the anxiety manifested......
Matinee Musicale.
THE second of Mr. MosensmEs' series of Pianoforte Concerts was on Thursday ; commencing, as usual, with the BACH foundation, wide, deep, and firm. The subject of this fugue of......
Tiie Theatres.
THE leading characters of Box's novel, Oliver Twist, have found such fitting representatives among the Adelphi company, that, if common justice had only been done to the story,......