2 JANUARY 1904, page 9

M. Delcasse Touched But Slightly Upon Colonial Questions,...

that the colonies acquired during the last twenty years increase the dignity of France rather than her power. He stated, however, that while France was devoted to the......

We Do Not Discuss The Various Rumours About Mobilisations In

the Far East, for we do not believe that they are, or can be, accurately reported. The cables and wires are under Russian and Japanese control, and neither of those two Powers......

Tained, Were The More Necessary Because Of The Great Masses

of power in which Europe was now distributed. Germany had felt the necessity immediately after her great victories, and the Triple Alliance produced and justified the Dual......

T He War Between Russia And Japan Draws Ever Nearer, And

it is even stated that January 10th, to-morrow week, is the date fixed beyond which negotiations will not be prolonged. It is just possible that at the last moment the Czar, who......

All Italians Received A Shock Last Saturday When They Heard

of the death, after a short illness, of Signor Zanardelli, so lately the Premier, and through life one of the directors of Liberal opinion. He was almost the last of the great......

The Two Powers " Immediately Interested" In Macedonia...

to defeat the Sultan's policy of delay. Their Dragoman called on the Minister of Foreign Affairs on December 26th to inform him that if he did not apply to Italy at once for a......
