2 DECEMBER 1911, page 35


TO SLEEP. AFTER STATIIIS SYLV., V. 4. KIND sleep, boy sleep, of all the gods most kind, What is my crime that of all living things I, I alone, must lack thy solaces ? The world......

Colley Hill, Reigate.

[To THE EDITOR. OF THE •‘ SPECTATOR."] SIE,—In reference to the interesting letter and earnest appeal from Sir Robert Hunter may I be permitted to call your readers' attention......


SEEMS SO!* HR. STEPHEN REYNOLDS is already, well known to our readers through his books, A Poor Man's House and Along- shore. His new book, a collection of sketches and essays,......

The Lone. Scout Movement. (to The Editor On The...

Sm.,—Would you allow me space in your valuable paper to. call attention to the feet that a vast number. of boys are unable to join .a Boy Scout Troop ? Sir Robert Baden-Powell......

Military Ma.nceuvres And Game.

[TA THE EDITOR Ol THE " SPECTATOR."] Zut , ,—I have read with much agreement your article of last week on " Military Manceuvres and Game Preserves," and I may say at once that.......

Golfers' Language.

lT0 ma EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR, —In the Supplement to your issue of November 18th you are grateful to Mr. Maio for his application to golfers of the 'Virgilian......

Notice.—when " Correspondence" Or Articles Are Signed...

name or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked "Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in. agreement with the views therein expressed or with the......