2 AUGUST 1940, page 3

I Have Said That The Budget Debate Continues, But So

far no one has made a penetrating analysis of the Budget's contents. Almost every newspaper has described it as "timid," "tinkering," or "interim." The unorthodox financial......

The Ministry Of Information Still Baffles The...

and the country. Perhaps the time has come for a radical reorganisation. Lord Perth, Lord Macmillan, Lord Camrose, Sir John Reith and others have come and gone. Scores of able......

National Wisdom And Local Folly

By a not uninstructive coincidence two local authorities on Tuesday provided admirable examples of a just and sane, and an unjust and prejudiced, way of dealing with......

The Week In Parliament

Our Parliamentary Correspondent writes: The debate on the Budget continues; the uneasiness about our liberties continues ; the disquiet about the Ministry of Information......

Internment Palliatives

Letters continue to reach us from many parts of the country showing how general is the concern about the policy and methods adopted by the Government in the treatment of enemy......

A War Office Inquest The Secretary Of State For War

foreshadows a much-needed reform in setting up a Standing Committee to consider changes in the organisation and procedure of the War Office and the Military Commands. This great......
