MOONLIGHT IN LONDON. Lo a monster moon on the borders of the city, Suddenly cast up through the mist of evening, looms, 'Golden, leaning low on the ridge of distant housetops,......
A Correction.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOH."] 'Sia,—May I point out to you that the translation of Odysseus's address to Nausicaa, quoted by your reviewer in your notice of Mr. W. C.......
EGYPT AND SEA-POWER.* a. CAMERON knows, and knows thoroughly, not only Egypt itself, but the literature dealing with modern Egypt —i.e., Egypt since 1800—and therefore we can......
The Rev. H. 0. Coxe.
[To TRX EDITOX OF TIM " EIPXOTATOX.") SIR,—For love of Mr. H. 0. Coxe I should like to be allowed to correct the inadequate version given in the Spectator of March 26th of the......