The Cotton Troubles.
(To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR.") Szn,—Your article on the above subject in the Spectator of September 22nd is calculated to mislead the outside public as to the causes of the......
(to The Editor Op Tee " Spzentor.9
Spit,—Your article on the cotton troubles is most valuable owing to its suggestiveness, but if I may be allowed, I should 14ce to point out a feature which has been overlooked,......
"diabolus Ex Machina." [to The Editor Of The...
day or two before reading in the Spectator of September 15th your remarks, on the evils to be apprehended from the practical "shrinkage of the world" through quick travelling, I......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator,"] Sir,—i Think You Do
an injustice to the Unionists of South Dublin by assuming, as you do in the Spectator of Sep- tember 15th, that their opposition to Mr. Horace Plunkett arises from bigotry. They......